Common SENSE – Feel the world!


“Common SENSE – Feel the world!” je mednarodni seminar organiziran s strani Madžarske organizacije ARANYALMA Lélekmentor, ter finančno podprt s strani Evropske komisije. Zavod Anima Vita je v okviru projekta nastopal kot partnerska organizacija. Seminarja sta se udeležili dve prostovoljki, ki sta poleg skrbi za prenos dobrih praks na področju projektnega dela in dela z mladimi z manj priložnostmi, na seminarju hkrati zastopali ter predstavili delovanje organizacij Zavod Anima Vita, ter CIRIUS Kamnik.

Podrobnejši opis seminarja se v angleškem jeziku nahaja spodaj.


The project "Common SENSE - Feel the world!" is an international study visit, co-financed by the European Commission and taking place in Budapest, Hungary. Organizational project partners will be institutions from Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Poland and Czech Republic.

The program will take place between 20th and 26th of October. Its main aim is to develop social sensitivity, not only among project participants but indirectly also among their organizations` target group. Participants will get self-experience, new methods and tools in developing empathy, tolerance and acceptance toward handicapped people.

In order to understand the world of handicapped people and see its colourful and magical side, project program will also include organized visits to different institutions and organizations, such as School of Deaf, Invisible Exhibition, Pető Institution, Rolling Dance Group, etc.

The projects` secondary aim is to encourage partner organizations to include disabled volunteers in their midst and thirdly to strengthen international relations between neighbouring countries.